Golden Rule Gardens at Ridgewood Ranch

We grow: Vegtables, Herbs, Grains & Other Products
We are in: Inland
Growing practice: Organic, not certified
You can buy it: Farmer Markets & Farmstand

Since 2020, Golden Rule Gardens at Ridgewood Ranch, a collaboration of Better Cup CSA and Golden Rule Gardens, focuses on providing a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program and growing food for the Ridgewood Ranch community, local food banks, and NGOs. Our mission is to promote sustainable agriculture and contribute to community well-being through locally sourced produce.

What We Grow

Vegetables: cherry tomatoes, tomatillos, hot peppers, brassicas, sweet corn, winter squash, summer squash, turnips, colrabi, celeriac, celery, broccoli, Asian greens, kales, spinach, ginger, cucumbers

Fruit: pears, apples, tomatoes, currents, raspberries, blackberries, grapes, watermelon, figs, jujubees

Herbs: lemon thyme, lavender, fennel, dill, bopalo, cilantro, rosemary, oregano, tulsi, regular basil, mint

Grains: amarenth, quinoa

Other Products: fruit leather, tea blends, popcorn, kale chips

How We Grow

Organic, not certified

How to Buy

Farmer Markets: Willits, Ukiah

Farmstand: Ridgewood Ranch during daylight hours

Retail Outlets: Mariposa Market

Wholesale Outlets: Northspur Brewery, Blackdog Farm and Catering

Internships, Live/work opportunities, and Volunteer opportunities available.


Good Things Farm


Farm to Family Ranch